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5 Steps to Create Exciting Content in Boring Industries

5 Steps To Create Exciting Content In Boring Industries

I have a friend who is a physicist. To me, his profession is fascinating…in the same way that watching paint dry is fascinating. But when he talks about the difference between muons and taus – his enthusiasm is catching. For one golden moment, I’m enthralled by the universal importance of subatomic particles. Later, when I’m trying to recap the conversation, everyone is confused!

Most companies have the same potential – to either be terrifyingly boring or super interesting (think: lawyers, doctors, construction companies, manufacturers). The question for their marketing team is this: How do you create exciting content to use in your company’s digital marketing? Here are five steps for “exciting” online content creation.

You have to write for someone. If you wrote a book, it would be filed under a genre (children’s pop-up, teenage romance, sci-fi, etc.). As a marketer, you decide the genre of your marketing strategy. What kind of customer would you like to attract through your efforts?  Figuring out your target client will make formulating your content much easier.

Do you truly understand your ideal customer? Do you know what makes them tick? Many businesses continue to take the same marketing approach even as their customer base evolves. Unfortunately, organizations may not realize that the needs and preferences of their ideal or preferred customers have changed until it’s too late to adapt. Identifying, understanding, and defining your core customer enables you to remain competitive and on the cutting edge.

Art Unlimited helps you build a brand that resonates with your customers. Our Persona Blueprints product enables you to reach your customers effectively. You’ll save precious time and money, avoiding unnecessary or unproductive marketing efforts. Instead, you’ll gain valuable insight into what strategies best connect with your target audience. This data-driven approach will result in a customized description of your ideal customers based on their preferences.

Graphic of a woman with a magnifying glass focusing on finding the ideal customer
Graphic of 2 teammates working together to come up with content strategy

Big Idea People tend to fall into one of two extremes:

  • THE PLANNER: You are great at strategies! If someone asks for a plan, you pull one out of your pocket, along with twelve alternatives, in case any of the points are not accepted.
  • THE DOER: Your mind is brimming with ideas – and good ones, too! You can whip brilliant things out at the last minute with no planning at all. People envy you….except your marketing team, who shake their heads. Plans are necessary for survival.

In the business world, organizations need both thinkers and doers. Thinkers are planners. They devise strategic approaches that lay the framework for sustained prosperity. Doers give life to outstanding plans with actionable results. They dare to achieve greatness. Balancing these two professional resources enables a business to discover success.

Here are three possible scenarios for a “good writer”:

  • A person with a smart head who has a way with words
  • A witty person with a cup of coffee and a good editor
  • A professional with oodles of knowledge and a good editor

In other words – get words on a page, and then edit, edit, edit!  A website and related online platforms operate as blank canvases. Words function as paint to bring life to your marketing strategy. When these words are well-crafted by a proficient writer, they give special meaning to the user, who will be more likely to engage with your business. Whether creating a webpage, blog article, landing page, or other written content, every word provides meaning. Don’t underestimate this crucially promotional step.

When you’re writing, ask yourself:

  • Is it NEW? Will this bit of content bring something new to the discussion in my industry?
  • Is it relevant? Is it something people can relate to my company and what it offers?
  • Is it doable? Is this a reasonable task to put my efforts towards? Or is the ROI not worth the investment?
  • Do I have images to support the written content? In this age, visual content is just as important as written content.
Graphic of woman writing on a tablet screen
Graphic of woman sharing on social media

At this point, you have some great content on your site. If you’ve done your programming, planning, and SEO right, you could have a fantastic website on your hands. Get out your social media guru and start sharing. Post statuses and images and advertise your material. Because if you are unwilling to start the conversation, no one will.  Start talking about your company and what it offers – and be consistent!

In all likelihood, you won’t get it “right” the first time. Marketing technology is constantly evolving. An advertising or promotional application popular two or three years ago may be outdated and useless today. For your business to remain on the cutting edge, you need the willingness to adapt to change. To accomplish this objective, you must routinely revisit your current marketing strategy (even if your method has worked well for your business previously).

The more relevant data you gather, the higher-quality adjustments you can make to your approach. Check your stats and traffic, and continue to converse with your customers. The more you learn, the more you can tweak and refresh your content. With patience, persistence, and a strong company vision, your online marketing efforts will pay off.

Graphic of a man looking at analytics on a tablet to find out how to adjust and revise his content strategy

In all of your efforts, remember: you are not alone. Art Unlimited aims to help your brand shine in a sea of other brands trying to secure the same customer base.

Whether you need guidance with enhancing or redefining your brand, support with website development to reimagine how you reach your target audience, or assistance in helping prospective customers find you in online searches through SEO, we have the right solutions.

Contact Art Unlimited today to schedule an appointment to learn more about our marketing services. We look forward to connecting with you!

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