Are you the owner or operator of a roofing, home services, HVAC, or energy sector business? If so, you likely have at least some experience with trade shows. However, it is also possible that you might not know much about what trade shows involve and whether attending them makes sense for your business. At Art Unlimited, we work with companies and organizations to identify trade show opportunities as part of an overall marketing strategy.

What Is A Trade Show Or Expo?
A trade show provides a way for businesses in a particular industry to promote their services and products to a broader (yet niche-oriented) audience. It also enables representatives from companies and organizations to learn more about complementary services and products that could prove beneficial. Ultimately, incorporating attendance at one or more trade shows into a marketing plan can be advantageous to expanding business opportunities.
How Do Trade Shows Help Businesses?
For businesses, attending a trade show (particularly as an exhibitor) opens doors that would not exist otherwise. It is a unique way to gain fast access to new customers, networking contacts, and invaluable information about industry trends worth knowing. Keep in mind that more than four out of five attendees come to the trade show intending to make a purchase. Consider the following advantages of participating in trade show marketing:

Become More Familiar With & Gain Valuable Insight Into Your Competitors
Newsflash: Your strongest competitors are attending trade shows. Nearly 9 out of 10 exhibitors rate trade show participation as a valuable means for generating positive market growth. Knowing and understanding your competitors may help you identify marketplace gaps that your business can fill.
Create Avenues To Learn About Or Break Into New Or Complementary Industries
Different industries overlap and depend on one another. A trade show unites product and service providers from “related” industries to develop mutually beneficial relationships. For example, a roofing contractor may complement a gutter installer because they often share the same types of customers.
Increase Awareness Of Your Brand To Your Target Audience & Key Influencers
Many otherwise successful businesses struggle with improving brand awareness. When times are slow, a recognizable brand can keep your operations afloat. Major corporations invest heavily in brand promotion strategies. However, a business of any size can benefit from creating and building brand visibility.
Learn More About The Current & Future State Of Your Industry
New niches within existing industries continually emerge. A trade show exposes your business to the latest developments. Gain invaluable insight into what changes are on the horizon for your profession. You can use the information gathered to institute adjustments to your business operations.
Open Up Networking Opportunities To Develop & Cultivate Business Relationships
Networking is at the heart of business-to-business (B2B) sales. A trade show brings together businesses to make a positive impression on one another and forge lasting alliances and mutual partnerships. As a business owner, you may gain access to a desired client through the right networking opportunity.
Provide Excellent Marketing Opportunities With A More Engaged Audience
A trade show may provide highly targeted (or “hot”) leads. Many consumers attend trade shows with the idea of purchasing via the proper connection, and your service or product could be the perfect fit. As a business, you should prepare to capitalize on any opportunity to close the deal at the show.
Trade Show Marketing Tips
As a business, you have the option of attending a trade show as an exhibitor or an attendee. Typically, you should plan to participate as an exhibitor with a booth. However, you should also prepare to “mingle” as an “attendee” if you have a sufficient number of team members traveling to the trade show. You want to make the most of the opportunity to network with prospective partners and customers. You should also strategize to learn as much as possible about industry trends.

Choose The Appropriate Trade Shows
Know what types of trade shows most closely match your marketing objectives. Many businesses attend or exhibit at trade shows that yield no measurable benefits. In those instances, you are wasting precious time and resources. Your company or organization may only need to attend one or two trade shows annually if you make the correct choice.
Set Your Expectations Accordingly
Over 13,000 trade shows occur annually. Not all trade shows cater to the same audience. Some are geared toward industry “insiders,” while others have a decidedly different feel, focusing on end consumers. Assess which types of trade shows fit your needs. Additionally, you should analyze past attendance figures to understand what to expect.
Train Your Staff To Prepare For Any Possibility
One connection can lead to infinite possibilities. However, your team members may not benefit if they aren’t prepared. Walk through your expectations for how they conduct themselves. Offer stimulating booth activities that prominently display your services or products. Utilize promotional opportunities and giveaways to attract a larger audience.
Incorporating Trade Shows Into Your Marketing Plan
At Art Unlimited, we help clients excel by providing data-driven digital marketing services. We also have extensive experience as trade show exhibitors. When working with us, you receive the benefit of our expertise in channeling your marketing efforts the right way.
Connect with Art Unlimited today to begin your journey to expanding your business through innovative, growth-oriented marketing services.