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Traditional and Digital Marketing: Working Together to Drive Leads

Traditional and Digital Marketing: Working Together to Drive Leads

Combining traditional and digital marketing is essential for businesses in the roofing, HVAC, and solar energy industries to remain competitive and relevant. Contractors in these industries can no longer afford to avoid digital marketing efforts. Conversely, a contractor should not shift away entirely from traditional marketing channels.

Blending these two advertising and promotional avenues provides the most added value for your business and improves your brand’s visibility and awareness with consumers. Consequently, you generate more revenue from targeted marketing campaigns and reduce marketing expenses on promotional efforts that don’t provide a benefit.

What Are Traditional Forms Of Marketing

Traditional marketing consists of conventional methods of promoting products or services. It involves attempting to reach a broad audience through mass media channels. The objective is to generate brand awareness and drive sales across a wide spectrum of the general public. Traditional marketing includes:

  • print advertisements (such as newspaper or magazine spreads)
  • television commercials
  • paper brochures, pamphlets, and fliers
  • press releases
  • radio promotions
  • billboard advertisements
  • direct mailers

Although traditional marketing can reach a very diverse audience, it has limited targeting capabilities. Many traditional marketing methods have been around for decades. However, their relative effectiveness is on a downward trend as consumers (especially younger demographics) increasingly shift their time, attention, and buying habits to online and digital platforms. Traditional marketing may have a place in a business’s marketing strategy, but, as a general rule, it should not be the primary source of promoting a product or service.

What Are Digital Forms Of Marketing

Digital marketing represents the newest wave of marketing. That said, since the rise of the Internet in the mid-to-late 1990s and early 2000s, it has been around in some form or another (and continues to evolve rapidly). Digital marketing includes:

  • social media advertisements (including display and PPC campaigns)
  • email promotions
  • blogging
  • search engine optimization (SEO) efforts
  • video and multimedia promotions
  • text messaging
  • influencer partnerships (i.e., affiliate marketing) websites

In today’s ultramodern, high-tech world, digital marketing is an indispensable means to market a product or service. No business can ignore the importance of an effective online marketing presence. Because the digital marketing landscape changes quickly, businesses must stay on top of the latest trends and developments to reach their core audience effectively or risk falling behind. Additionally, this form of marketing allows for precise targeting (in real-time) based on a consumer’s demographics, interests, and online behavior.

Why Choosing Only One Type Of Marketing Is Not Optimal

If digital marketing serves as the future of brand promotion, why would any business continue utilizing traditional marketing? The answer should be obvious. Older demographics still rely on conventional marketing channels more than digital marketing avenues. However, many other demographics continue to derive value from traditional marketing methods. For example, billboard advertising will still have a place in the marketing budget of many businesses simply because most people drive a vehicle and access highways routinely.

Similarly, although print advertising no longer holds the same place in capturing an audience’s attention as it once did in previous generations, it continues to serve a purpose if executed in a way where targeted audiences are receptive. Businesses reluctant to consider expanding their digital marketing efforts may be missing out on an opportunity to acquire detailed analytics of their marketing efforts to measure the effectiveness of particular campaigns. Why throw good money after bad if something is not profitable?

The Benefits Of Successfully Combining Traditional And Digital Marketing Efforts

Employing an integrated marketing campaign is the recommended approach for most businesses. Combining traditional and digital marketing produces a cohesive brand experience across multiple channels. Most successful businesses utilize this method to maximize the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. For example, a brand may use a television commercial or radio promotion to drive traffic to a website or social media platform where the consumer can learn more about the business’s product or service.

Also referred to as an omnichannel approach, unifying multiple marketing methodologies ensures consistent messaging and branding across all touchpoints. Consumers can feel free to interact with the brand seamlessly, whether online (digital) or offline (traditional). Consequently, consumers develop trust and loyalty to the brand and its offerings. These crucial attributes strengthen a brand and the products or services the brand represents. They also allow the brand to achieve new heights in recognition even among non-consumers.

Working With A Reputable Marketing Firm

As a business, you do not have time or resources to waste on ineffective marketing campaigns that don’t meet your expectations or projections. Unfortunately, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to apprehend which advertising and promotional efforts provide value to your brand and which ones fall short or miss the mark entirely. If you are serious about growing your brand and increasing your bottom line, identifying and partnering with an established marketing agency will significantly improve your chances of marketing success.

A reputable marketing firm has the expertise and experience (as well as creative and innovative ideas) to know which marketing efforts make sense for your business in its industry. They also possess a deep understanding of market trends and consumer behavior. They will be able to decipher how consumers digest information and what promotional channels offer the most effective means to connect with your ideal customer. Consequently, you save time and resources by only investing in productive marketing campaigns.

Hiring The Right Marketing Firm

If you own a roofing, HVAC, or solar energy business, you need a marketing agency with the knowledge and expertise to assist you effectively and efficiently. At Art Unlimited, we offer customized marketing strategies that employ traditional and digital marketing channels that generate the results you need for your business to maximize its brand awareness and visibility. To learn more about our exceptional marketing services or to schedule a free consultation, contact Art Unlimited today.

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